Saturday, May 21, 2005

War Room

Everyday Iraq looks more like the civil war in Vietnam, with its own Arab psychology that we Americans understand perhaps even less than the Communist mind. The old men who send the young to war (if that sounds like a BIG prior bias against the concept of foreign're catching on quickly) are never going to sign onto the fact that they have blundered big, not only with our young men and women, but with the whole goddamn geopolitical situation in the middle east. They now, obviously, know what to do less than I, and perhaps less than is even possible to know. Presidents Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice (with a nice assist from George Bush) won't likely be "hoisted by their petard" as it would take some sense of personal bravery and risk to have that occur. These people have NONE of that.

Rather, I have taken out an option on a piece of real estate in Hell that they can share with Robert McNamara, who in his mea culpa film "Fog Of War" was so vigorously trying to rid himself of the demons that obviously possess his ruined and shattered soul. See the film. He was unsuccessful.

It's too late for McNamara, because it is too late for the 58, 000 men who died in Vietnam.

Let us have mercy on the souls of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice and Bush, and not let them have the need to confess their sins in 25 years. Would you let these guys babysit your kids?

Then don't let them kill them.

Joe Postove


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