Sunday, August 19, 2007

There's A New Boy In Town

Back when I used to hang around the Andy Griffith Show website (set on the porch, watch the virtual cars go by, goose Aunt Bee, play jacks with Bob, and other neat things, I met this guy named Al who is a pretty good writer).

Now I ain't sayin' ( I'm just doing this southern shit to keep awake) he's a Joe Postove or Lucius Beebee, but he's got some things to say. And he says them well (although it is in written form, since blogs ain't sayin' things, they are writing things...again please forgive me for writing like a hick. But I ain't for much, see)?

Well I am for much, but that was for the southern folks who set on the porch, and these days wile away the evenings eating bar-b-cue sandwiches, while goosing their sisters, and planning the next gay pride parade around the block...well, maybe not gay pride, but gay hatred and murder parade). I ain't responsible for what happens in North Carolina. What happens in Mayberry stays in Mayberry. Although, and this is just my opinion (whose opinion did you think I had...Mary Pickford's? Jam Jesus...grow up!) I still think Gomer was in love with Opie. But I don't do blue material, so you'll have to find out your dirt somewhere else, you dirty guy.

Read Al's blog. It's on the side, down near the bottom ( A Vagabond's Sketchbook) . Enjoy!

Now I have to run across the street to the gas station where the 10 cent toilet is closing for hosing at 7 o'clock. I'm going to get a diet Pepsi and some nabs too. I won't have any extra, so you'll have to starve tonight.



Blogger phil said...

Thankya for the kind welcome, Joe!

I imagined you at the podium at our old lodge - The Sons Of The Lucius Beebee's - giving this speech, rather than just writing it out longhand.

And in that same high piercing lisping screech that we all knew and loved so well.

Not sure about the Opie/Gomer connection, but I always did shudder when Barney asked Gomer "You wanna go for a ride?"


3:27 PM  

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