Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Clean Underwear Myth Shattered!

Mothers all over the world have lied to their children for years how that they must have clean underwear on, in case you're in an accident and are taken to the hospital. This is a myth. And now you can relax...appropriately that is. Even I don't want you to relax too much. I can't handle the world here!

Moms would have you believe that the first thing doctors do when a child is admitted to the hospital is check his underwear. Nurse: "Doctor, this boy has severe head damage and lacerations to the neck and big toe!" Doctor:" O.K. nurse, first check his underwear, then administer a 5 cc...Nurse: "Uh, doctor, this child has very low blood pressure and could die before we get him into surgery. Are you sure you want me to take the time to check his underwear? And what do you want me to look for?"

"I want you to look for shit! Or signs that he didn't clean himself adequately before having that car crash. Listen, nurse, I may be a doctor, but I am also a very clean man. And I refuse, on principle to fix him up with a good docterin' unless he has a clean ass. I'm an American, dammit. And I want my patients to have clean underwear and asses before I'll do any form of surgery."

Of course that's not the way it happens. A doctor will administer to anyone, even if he's wearing underwear that hasn't been washed in over a week. I think it's a law. So remember, don't worry too much about cleaning down there, unless you want to. If you are hurt in a car wreck, the doctor will fix you up fine.

I hope that puts an end to THAT myth!



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