Thursday, August 11, 2005


The president made it official again today, just in case you missed it when "Mission Accomplished" was announced two and a half years ago, THAT WE ARE AT WAR! Dammitt! The dammitt was mine.

D-Day was about 2 1/2 years after Pearl Harbor. Could you possibly imagine FDR announcing on 6/6/44 that "WE ARE AT WAR"! He would have seemed ridiculous. Our President rather seems to be on acid. Ridiculous would make him seem clownish. He is not.

At the core of George Bush is a man who sleeps the sleep of the innocent. He is not uncaring. He is, unfortunately, a boy, an immature boy, in a man's job. It would take a man, or some semblance thereof, to realize 21/2 years after the "end" of combat in Iraq, that to pump up the American people, now, with a "WE'RE AT WAR" bullshit scream is the terror of a boy who fears that he has done something terribly wrong, but is too panicky to try and figure a way out.

George forgot his homework today, and the dog ate it, is "we are at war people, and anyway the first two thousand are a gimme, right"? Yes, we are at war. And every day George "Brar Rabbitt" Bush ignores the Tar Baby that has ruined what good there was in him, and kills, now, about 50 fine young men and women each week.

Yeah, we're at war.



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