Saturday, October 08, 2005

Notes On New Orleans: They May Need Less Money??!!

The Congressional Budget Office said this week that the city of New Orleans may need far less than the 200 Billion dollar figure bandied about in the days and weeks after the nuclear eviseration, I mean, hurricane that hit the city in August. The director of the agency said that he doesn't think they'll need anywhere near that figure.

Isn't that just like our insensitive government, to shut down the golden spigot even before any of that tasty Federal swag can slush down to this devastated city.

We've all seen the pictures of what was wrought down there. And if that's not a two hundred billioner, then I need a new pair of government issue eye glasses to go with the hunks of cheese I get every month. This won't stand.

How can a government official of high standing (and up in Washington, too!) not understand that two hundred billion is probably just the beginning? That New Orleans is going to need to be refitted with all new doo-dads, gee-gaws, pip pips, and places for perverted sex before she's back to normal. And these things cost money! Dagnab it!

They need lotsa stuff. New public housing so we can bus back the slaves to serve Whitie, fur rimmed outhouses for the elite, gold teeth for those that lost their originals in the flood, and, shucks, what ever the hell they want, need, desire, crave, hanker, hunger, itch, and long for, plus lust, pine, thirst, yearn, and yen after (thank you Merriam-Webster).

LESS than 200 Billion? Are they insane? It's going to cost that much just to wash the shit off of Mayor Ray Nagin's face after they face him upwards after lying face down in the Orleans fruit-shit-oil-grease and gizz melange for the last month, trying to find more dead.

Look. The Chinese are grabbing up our toilet paper bonds as fast as the people of New Orleans can shit in a phone booth. Shouldn't we at least come up with the 200 Bil that we promised?

Well, No. But I'm a Libertarian. And they'd throw me in a re-education camp before letting one of us be proved right.

Joe Postove


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