Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Over 2000 Served...Up

On this day in 2005
2000 of our finest are no longer alive

Killed by lies
Killed by deceit
Killed by indifference
Killed by hubris

Murdered by the black heart of our leaders
Who sit only and plan
To make the world free for democracy and butchery

Forgetting, entirely
That one by one
Our young men and women die
Just for the plans that the old men have for the world

Not their world
But fight they must so told
We are the Americans
And we will save the world

I know
What all the old men know, in their blackness,
That nothing more can be done

Except to shovel the dirt on the graves of those who never had a chance.

The liars. The muderers.

Joe Postove


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