Saturday, October 15, 2005

Playboy Enterprises To Cut Magazine Rate Base 4.7% To 3M!

Playboy Enterprises Inc. (PLA) on Tuesday said it will cut its magazine's rate base down 4.7%, to 3 million. I do not know what this means. I read the article (see link, above) but all I could think of was that perhaps they're caving in to the G-string industry and thinking of covering up their girls a little bit.

Playboy, I beseech thee not to do this! Your naked girls (objectified by their parts to make a great sum, by the way!) are one of the few things worth living for. In my life at least.

Sure, I could go to the internet and get all of the free "human art" that I need, but Playboy is a tradition and any reduction in nudity would be a catastrophe comparable only with the failure of ladies to come out of their hotel rooms in their foo-foo's while I'm knocking out my papers every morning. It is still my dream that Dorothy Lyman will sneak out for ice, just as I get to her floor, and covered only with two ice buckets (inadequate for her, fine for me) sees me and screams with disgust. That fantasy gets me to sleep at night. But, alas, I wait still.

For now, it is important that Playboy keep all of the girls undressed (except for shoes, and the occasional hat) if for no other reason that a little bit of me will die inside otherwise.



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