Saturday, October 29, 2005

Scooter Libber Is Indicted...Tra La La...Tra La La

Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown

The lies that we all know about...The odor of it all that has emanated from the Bush White House since...Well, forever, is far more than needed to make one a Libertarian, one who loves his country, but may hate his government.

And now, that Scootie Libby, the VP's top boy for prevarication is headed for ruination, scandal, and maybe even jail (BONUS!) for crimes that are difficult to explain, we can only pray that Scoot has it in him to be the John Dean of his era and help bring down this wretched house and its murderous bunglers with him.

Harsh, hmmm? I say rather moderate considering 2000 dead boys and girls, and probably thousands more to die.

Back to what we all know. The endless lies about the reason to go to war, the continual and very tiresome defense of EVERYTHING that goes on in that whorehouse, and the smug looks on the faces of all; indicted and unindicted, makes inquiring minds wonder what other dirt sticks 'neath the desks in the executive's lair.

I won't comment on a 55 year old man named Scooter (I have renamed him Scootie...He reminds me a little of that reptilian Harold Ickes, Jr. from the Clinton days) but little Scoot has an opportunity to be a hero, even if he does go to the brig. Unless he's a pussy and wimps out of a trial (oh the misguided loyalties of statecraft) he can shine a light on this rats warren of criminality that wafts from the Black House.

Be a hero Scoot. Tell the truth.

Joe Postove


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