Friday, December 16, 2005

Bush "We Fucked Up" Tour Takes To The Road

As the BushHeads follow with scented candles, the President this week, who, like Jesus, is taking all of the sins of the world onto himself, we get to see just how cynical he his. "It is true that much of the intelligence turned out to be wrong," Bush said. "As president, I'm responsible for the decision to go into Iraq", the President says as if he were ordering eggs for breakfast. This device, to admit whatever needs to be admitted, whether or not he's guilty, is only for making W. seem more human, less contrary, and fess up, which Americans like their leaders to do.

It seems that if you come clean, and admit your mistakes, AND take responsibility for them, then you can move on, make more mistakes, leave whatever destruction you've wrought in your wake, make us like it, and be on your merry way.

This is the "We Fucked Up" tour and before he's through, Bush will probably take the weight of the world on his shoulders, and say he was wrong about that. This cannot pass. We cannot allow this man in the White House to admit he either lied by commission or omission about how we attacked Iraq. He's taking responsibility for the whole thing. Which means he may add an extra 15 minutes to his workout for punishment.

Over two thousand American soldiers are dead. The president himself said this week that thirty thousand Iraqi's, give or take, have died since the war started. Or was that ended? What's thirty thousand Iraqi's anyway? We got Saddam Hussein.

So enjoy this week of "I'm sorry about how we got into the war, but didn't it all turn out O.K. though" from George Bush. Don't expect to see too much more of this. This is for our benefit. And we are expected to choke it down, the same way we swallowed the hubris that was last week and will be back next week.

Joe Postove


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