Monday, December 19, 2005


That stuff you saw spilling from the president's ears this morning at his semi-annual news conference (our Christmas pie!) was shit. He really can't help it, since as he continues to fill up with the stuff, it has to have to some outlet. So, since he is so full of it, and continues to be, we can expect to see gravy stains down W.'s neck from time to time.

Every answer to EVERY question was an obfuscation. Asked about using the presidential power during wartime to continue to fight terrorism, he gives us a nice briefing on how well the feds are cleaning up New Orleans, and battling that reliable buggaboo...unemployment. You can always count on that as an answer to any question, when the President is ignoring you.

Make no mistake about this: When the Patriot Act expires, as I expect it to, George Bush will continue to use the secret "Batman" powers to do whatever the hell he pleases. He has less respect for our system of government and rule of law than that maniac who is tickling the nuke keys over in Iran.

Keep an eye on our man in the White House. After all, he's keeping a good eye on you.

Joe Postove


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