Saturday, June 25, 2005

Father Of Old Friends Dies

The day before yesterday, the father of old friends died. And tomorrow they will bury him. They will sit shiva for a week and then go on, as life requires.

Soon, we will die too. And someone will bury us, sit shiva, and move on. And as the father of friends will be forgotten, so shall we.

The rules of God do not allow for the dead to actively participate in the life of the world. When they do, the correspondence of life with death is corrupted and this is not good. The dead rest, to begin again their own unique life with those we do not know.

When the preacher speaks tomorrow of the life of the father of my friends, he will push away the bad things and embrace the good ones. This is so that in our memories we will retain a loveliness of the man.

However, our memories will last only as long as our selves and when our selves pass away, only our children and their children will remember us.

And then they will die. And the world will cease to exist.


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