Thursday, July 07, 2005

London Calling: Those Who Lurk In The Strength Of Shadows

After the attacks in London today, our leaders will attempt to convince us, again, that we should be ever vigilant in the fight against terrorism. Terrorists, however, need not explain (to us) why they fight. Or why they specifically wage war on the west, because each one considers himself a king in the jihad (only with great expectations would one commit suicide in the name of God). We don't need them to explain why they do what they do. It is easy enough to understand. But we need more independent analytical thinking and less lazy political mindlessness, if we are to remain a free and safe nation.

Understand this: this is entirely political. It is only because what they think is not properly interpreted for the average American couch potato that we continue to bravely fight for nothing. Except the deaths of our poor young men who will forever believe that they are defending our country. I feel so sorry for them.

We pawns are reassured by our presidents and prime ministers that we can and must go on with the day, despite the doom, but then are warned that we are at another level of heightened alert. And New York begins to look like Jerusalem. Everyone's packing.

Today's terrorist is not just a bomb throwing anarchist. There is no vague philosophical movement to "tear down the state" or "destroy the capitalist system". These people are disciplined, programmed, malevolence defined, and they know what they are doing and know how to do it.

Maybe if this was blind hatred; even blind hatred directed towards the west and how we live our lives, we could handle it. Our leaders have stopped, I think, trying to impress upon us that they hate us because of what we are; that our dissolute western lifestyle is so offensive to them, that the only response can be bombs and airplanes. We simply will not buy into that anymore, the longer this period goes on and the stronger the terrorists become. The insurgency in Iraq is not growing and welcoming in foreigners because we drink beer and watch porn.

They hate us for what they believe are good reasons. We do not have to agree that they are good reasons, but we must accept that they are either putting their lives on the line, or simply ending them as suicides, because they too have a cause. There is no vacuum here.

They hate us because we have taken the force of western might to their world. The west is targeted because we believe they cannot behave, and only through a Middle Eastern version of "Manifest Destiny" will our world view succeed. Do you possibly believe that we can conduct ourselves imperiously and not be hated by those who see themselves as the subjected? Can we conduct wars, extract oil, and enforce forms of government on people and nations without some reaction, from some quarters?

I will refuse to fight for oil.

I will refuse to fight for Israel.

I will refuse to fight for Iraq.

The terrorists have no interest in fighting for it's own sake.

Let us remove ourselves from this maelstrom. NOW!

Joe Postove


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know this is perversely sick and no place for humor but the oddest vision just occured to me. What if, after a particularly unjust bombing (think back prior to our attacks on their lands), our "hero" goes up to his "heaven" where his hundred beautiful wives await. And they would all come to him at the same time and ask, "do I look fat in this kaftan?"

(Don't hate me 'cause i'm warped.)

1:24 AM  
Blogger Mr. Liberty said...

Pepperboy, this country is run by the "Absurd Birds" except they ain't funny and they'll kill you, if you get in their way of world domination.

American bombers have the same dream I think. However, their heavenly wait, no virgins in our heaven. Our Tim Mcveighs just grease people because they are extremely baddass.

BTW, welcome to Libertarianism and Things, Pep (may I call you Pep?)

We may not be always right, but we're often wrong.


4:45 AM  

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