Saturday, July 02, 2005

African Loan Forgiveness (Or The Art Of The National Scam)

I have said in a previous post that I am sympathetic to the plight of the wretched African today, and approve of canceling their loans.

Today we will all watch "Live 8" and not send in money (Bob Geldof said not to, so I'm just doing what he says) but rather to become better acquainted with the situation in Africa, and how our collective consciousness' may be raised.

As the valley girls said in the eighties "gag me with a spoon". And may I add, if you're gonna gag me, just go ahead and shove the spoon all the way down my throat, if you just want me to lap up your shit and stop thinking and simply idolize Brian Wilson, et al (who I do by the way) and just groove on the music. I would turn that spoon around and upside down, but this is a family friendly website.

Africa needs help. The people there are in danger of decimation from perhaps everything than can go wrong with the human condition, and canceling their
debt to us is not at all unreasonable.

But while they dance on the grave of the United States Treasury and look to a world where they can start fresh (oh Lord, would I like to start fresh....move to Africa? NO.) I just must advance a couple of ideas that could avoid this situation from happening again (after all, Bob Geldof won't live forever).

Would the introduction of a smattering of capitalism, the real thing...not the state version which cripples economies and allows for graft and corruption seen on continent wide scales (and Africa is a mighty wide continent) help or hurt these people?

Would that esteemed economist Brad Pitt (who was just on MTV reminding us to be white about all this) consider what a chain of 7/11's, a couple of Walmarts and, hell, maybe even a few "Stucky's" could do for this dying mass of humans. Would the African people, who can be as smart and productive as the chances they are given, scarf up those 2 dollar an hour telemarketing jobs, and making 100 dollar tennis shoes for the Black community here back home? Of course they would. The gotta eat. And the introduction of the marketplace to the dark continent (and it is mighty bleak there) would help take this 16th century mess of deathly proportions tippy-toe in to the 20th century (give 'em time for the 21st, man) and maybe we need not have to listen to the same old pleas 20 years from now.

If the Chinese can dispose of the ideology of Mao Tse Tung, and backward nations like India and even Russia around the world can learn about the advantages of freedom, then there's hope for Africa.

Keep the money. But I'm cutting you Go out and create your own free markets. And we will help you do that too. I know what it's like to need help.


Joe Postove


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