Wednesday, July 13, 2005

The Space Shuttle Makes It!

Of course they never took off, but I would count that as a win! The attendent at NASA said today that high gas prices and the lack of novelty giveaways at outer space stations (free glasses, gum, condoms) has dampened the resolve of the astronauts to fly through space like Peter Pan and other fairies, and to come home the heroes they surly are.

You have to understand that if the space shuttle was even able to turn the engine over, then NASA would have have called that a success, and called the troops home. Oh, if they only could!

The real reason given for the delay was that one of the ladynaughts forgot her diaphram. Heaven knows what she would want that for out there? God Forbid! I heard somewhere, that it is easier to cook eggs on a diaphram in outer space...or that's at least what this girl said.

So we look to another day, when NASA can get some bodies out there and get them back the same way they left. Fairly retarded.

Good luck spacemen!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cook eggs??? And eggs in the plural? OK, now lets figure out what size that diaphragm would have to be and....... Holy Huevos rancheros, Batman, I'll stay here in Baltimore. Its already alien enough 'round these parts and even I don't need a date that badly!

1:02 AM  
Blogger Mr. Liberty said...

But you don't know what kind of eggs she might have made!

We may never know!

4:35 AM  

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