Friday, July 08, 2005

Take It To 'Em...And Bring It On!

Once our leaders were caught in the lie of why we went to war (WMD...we must be nearly the stupidest people on earth when it comes to believing our minders. Uh huh, uh, huh...yes sir, let's move!) the presidents moved from one bogus premise to another. Now it was "we must take the battle to them, before they bring it to us". So where are we now?

Fifty folks died in London yesterday. Seems to me that the bad guys are working with their own chessboard, and goddamn us. Gee...maybe their strategy is to bring the war to us AND kill our guys back home in the new capital of death, Bagdad. It's a twofer!

I don't know how dumb you are. But if you believed the first lie, that Saddam had WMD's and if we don't get him now, we're screwed, then you're just an average moron and you are excused. If you believed anything that our chiefs said after you knew them for the lying dogs they are, then I don't believe you can read or understand concepts, and thus I won't waste my time.

If London is part of "us", then they have, at their leisure, brought the war back to us. Presidents BushCheneyRumsfeldRice should choke on their lies.

At least Bush dosen't have that damn smirk on his face so much now. Even he cannot escape the realization that the rivers of American and British blood that now flow unceasingly from Bagdad to London are on his hands.

So...we took the war to them before they could bring it to us. I wonder what the Iraqi heads and arms and other body parts blown apart would say about that. And now the Londoner's.

So far the only heads rolling are the ones detached from their bodies in the blasts from Iraq to the UK. The bosses have too much invested to change direction now.

The war may be in Iraq right now. But the terrorists have shown that they can move the battle anywhere they choose.

Joe Postove


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