Friday, August 19, 2005

Mrs. Sheehan And The Wretched Right

Having been a radio talk show host, about two lives ago, I know how these guys work, and how competent they can be in their ignorance. Today, listening for the very last time to that fat wretched bastard toad, Rush Limbaugh, I finally realized that there can never be new lows for bottom feeders like him. He is an able ass, and here's why.

On the show today, he claimed that Cindy Sheehan's vigil outside of the president's compound, and her plea for peace and disengagement from our pay toilet in Iraq was disrespect to, and a sullying of her dead son's reputation.

This from a stoned freak who skipped out on his own "service" during Vietnam (legally..Let it be said). The most dangerous thing this shit filled, brain dead, after birth ever did was get married three times, all to women who took little time in seeing through to the wretched core of this pseudo-person.

Rush Limbaugh has always been criminally hateful, and one must wonder how much longer (and fatter) he can live with himself, as long as his slanderous lies and unamerican, hackneyed, moth-eaten, musty, stereotyped, threadbare invective against a true hero like Cindy Sheehan continues.

Probably quite some time.

joe postove


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