Saturday, August 20, 2005

Same Sex Marriage-NO GAYS ALLOWED

I have always supported the right of people of the same gender to walk in front of a bus going 60 mph, that is to get married, just like straight folk.

Now, two Texas drinking buddies have come up with a new twist on the old buggery two-step.

Two straight guys, Bill Dalrymple and Bryan Pinn of Waco, Texas (I love Waco...If only that they do not discriminate between wackos very much) want to travel to Canada and take advantage of their legal right to marry someone of their own sex. Both Bill and Bryan (who I guarantee are straight...I saw them not having sex) have a deep, respectful friendship of longstanding, that they would like to turn into a "till death do you part" scene.

Both have several failed "het" marriages under their belt (maybe that was part of the problem) and realize the financial and social benefits male matrimony could bring them.

Why should gays and lesbians have all the intrasex fun? It was not all that long ago that men and women could write letters inked in deep amour' with no shame and no inference that there was a sexual component to a love between men and men and women and women.

My own grandmother lived with a woman for many years, after both had been widowed. If anyone had ever suggested a tinge of pink to this relationship, they would have been whipped. It would never have occurred to any of us that this was anything but a nice friendship. But it was a marriage of sorts. They did all the things a married couple do (except hate each other..And no sex of course) and when my Gram left this relationship at the age of seventy to remarry in West Virginia, it was a blow to Aunt Gussie. She sank into sad singlehood, while Gram blossomed into old age, reborn as part of a differently sexed, married couple.

Marriage is NOT all about sex. Why not marry your best buddy? It's same sex, not same sexual orientation that the gay lobby is pushing for anyway.

And besides, the word on Homo Street is that they can turn these guys sooner or later anyway.



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