Thursday, November 03, 2005

The NBA Needs A Rosa Parks

I haven't watched a full NBA basketball match since Allen Iverson's bris, so the issue of what players should or should not wear when they are representing the NBA is not as important to me as the current pay toilet situation here in Norfolk.

Nevertheless, this is a line in the sand, drawn by the fat white owners of the clubs, who want a better image for the league, and thus is an issue that should be noted. Most of the players in the NBA are black, and many are from urban ghettos. The culture, dress, speech patterns, and lifestyle can be very different and rather annoying to fat white America, who wants everyone to fart strawberry and clean up real nice.

Side note: President Lyndon Johnson said to an associate in the 60's that if you don't wash your ass in the shower, then you are not really clean. He had a point, and the NBA poobahs don't think the crackers who love the sport, but wouldn't take a meal with the sportsmen, can handle well the chains, sweatsuits, jewelry and other Negro accoutrements that come with. And so, yes, the sport is not spic and span while the players wear their culture, literally on their sleeves (or sleeveless). Isn't that too bad?

The NBA needs a Rosa Parks. A player who tells the front office that this is who I am, and I prefer to represent myself, and my community if I wanna, by the way I dress. Certainly the analogy is not right on the mark, but the point is the same. The NBA IS a private organization, and they can have the players dance naked (like at the circus) at half time, if they demand so. I would run naked, free and easy throughout the arena all during the game for the scratch those guys collect.

But a strict dress code for the young, cool, safe gangsta style of the players is a bad idea. There should be at least one dude with balls enough to wear balloon pants, ear rings, neck chains and jewelry on any body part he chooses (watch the scrotum, fellas) to protest this action.

I hope some NBA guy has enough guts to challenge this disrespect for black culture, and the NBA changes its mind and allows hood culture to live side by side with whitie's wingtips.

Joe Postove


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