Wednesday, June 16, 2010

These Are The Good Times

In Hell!

President Obama sat down with the CEO of BP today (which I think was very unfair...the President sat on a big chair in the throne room, sucking on oranges, grapes, and assorted goods, while the old man from BP had to take his pants off, sit on the White house toilet...which is supported by the taxbunnies) and came to the "agreement" that BP would set up a 20 BILLION dollar fund to help those blasted by the explosion.

Dear Leader came down off of the Throne, put the BP exec into a toe-hold and said unless you come up with the cash, I'm going to let the Muslim brotherhood have some fun with you (gee I hope they wern't naked). I'm not saying he couldn't have had fun with Mohammed's boys, but I'm going to err on the side of the BP guy not being aware of what the boys do when Dear Leader calls them out for special occasions like this.

Look, girls, the federal switchblade is a mighty mighty sword, and with all those threats and the President holding the knife to BP's neck, he came up with the cash. Check please.

Obama said that a "third party" would be responsible for keeping the tote board on claims. So who does he pick? Kenneth Feinberg, the former Czar of the 9/11 check cutting enterprise. This is Dear Leader's idea of an unattached third party. Feinberg is an insider, and ain't no "man in the middle". Obama's in charge, and will take the credit should we succeed in cleaning this thing up and compensating all of the folks down there who are taking this big mud bath.

However....if we fail, and this thing becomes another end of the world, then the blame goes to BP. Funny how the government is stink free.

Now...on to the greening of the world!



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