They're Pumping As Fast As They Can
BP (you bet your bippy) has taken full responsibility for the spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and has said they will pay all costs associated with the accident. I said accident. It was an accident. Meaning they did not do it on purpose, wishing against all hell that this had not happened, and have begged forgiveness from we the American people. The same American people who for generations have benefited from BP's scientific prowess and have swilled enough of BP's business genius to choke an elephant with a pretty big carbon footprint (they have those too, do they not?).
Yet, one of President Obama's henchmen, one of the first out of the gate to take charge, said that the boot of the government would be held fast onto BP's neck until they got all this shit cleaned up. Words to that effect anyway. I have yet to cease to be amazed at the hubris of those in government who "keep their boots on the neck of business" yet if business were to say, "OK, big boy, you fix it" the government would shit in its pants big time, probably requiring them to get some old treasury notes out of the closet to wipe themselves with.
The arrogant slobs. BP won't walk away, because they are and have proven to be a good corporate citizen, who when they foul up (and this was the mother of them) steps up to the plate and bows its head, and do a cool Stepin' Fetchit act to show that they know who's boss. Ain't that right boss?
On the other hand, when our Dear Leader or any of our past Dear One's make a mistake, well, they do take full blame and responsibility for it. And then go out and write about it in their ghostwritten autobiographies.
The question is not whether or not to give BP a break. They are not asking for one. They took blame before anyone had the chance to vilify all of capitalism. Capitalism made our world. When there are mistakes, the system corrects itself. And when they transgress Almighty government, they bow and scrape. And they still go ahead, head down, and fix the problem. Which is what BP will do.
I'd still like to see Obama try to take control of pumping that slicker out. He is so good at that. Or they say so, anyhow.
Yet, one of President Obama's henchmen, one of the first out of the gate to take charge, said that the boot of the government would be held fast onto BP's neck until they got all this shit cleaned up. Words to that effect anyway. I have yet to cease to be amazed at the hubris of those in government who "keep their boots on the neck of business" yet if business were to say, "OK, big boy, you fix it" the government would shit in its pants big time, probably requiring them to get some old treasury notes out of the closet to wipe themselves with.
The arrogant slobs. BP won't walk away, because they are and have proven to be a good corporate citizen, who when they foul up (and this was the mother of them) steps up to the plate and bows its head, and do a cool Stepin' Fetchit act to show that they know who's boss. Ain't that right boss?
On the other hand, when our Dear Leader or any of our past Dear One's make a mistake, well, they do take full blame and responsibility for it. And then go out and write about it in their ghostwritten autobiographies.
The question is not whether or not to give BP a break. They are not asking for one. They took blame before anyone had the chance to vilify all of capitalism. Capitalism made our world. When there are mistakes, the system corrects itself. And when they transgress Almighty government, they bow and scrape. And they still go ahead, head down, and fix the problem. Which is what BP will do.
I'd still like to see Obama try to take control of pumping that slicker out. He is so good at that. Or they say so, anyhow.
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