Thursday, April 01, 2010

Spring Is Here

Yes, spring has sprung, and we all will now twist.

I've been working very hard this week so I haven't had much energy to blog and shit. Well, I have done more of the latter than the former, because #2 is covered by DeathCare, I think.

I got a notice from the National Board Of Medicine today that if I intend to do operations at my pay toilet locations, then I come under the National Act Of Sacrifice, which means all the extras that I provide at the stalls (corner of Church and Nebraska in downtown Norfolk) will now be under regulation by rectal doctors, penis men and vagina specialists.

I DEFY THE LAW! I have in over five years of providing a clean, cool, and very much needed service downtown also done so much more. You could read more about this is my autobiography "I'm The Shit Man" published by the "Ladies Home Companion Book Club", but here is the gist:

I, of course have the cleanest and most exciting Pay Toilets in the southeastern sector of Virginia. Plus I have done thousands of circumcisions, shaves, rectal thermometer testing (all turned out ok, too. I have a guy named Easy who checks most of the rectal thermometers in the United States, and he is very pleased). I also serve full course meals in and out of the pay stalls, we have orchestra night every Saturday, we donate our waste products (pee and shit) to needy countries throughout the world, plus we have surgeons standing by in case of rectal or bladder emergencies.

I am proud of what we have done with this industry, and the attempts by the Obama administration to stamp us out (and if they try it again, I have something in a bag for them...a nice hot foot if the government dares to come out the front door...I'll run though) are illegal and immoral.

Can't we all just get along? I had planned to add a dentist to the toilets, but now, with who knows what will happen with National DeathCare, I just don't know what to do.

I'm just a poor man. A man trying to eke out a living in this very competitive Pay Toilet business. We have, over the years added stalls for hermaphrodites, gays, semi gays, trans, bi's, regulars, midgets, and special toilets for those who feel lost. Lost in a society that just doesn't seem to care anymore.

I feel so lost. I feel socialism will eventually make all of us in Norfolk crap in our pants. What a shame. What a waste. When we can do so much and make big money selling hot dogs too, I think this nation has turned a corner. Down oneway street, where there are no pay toilets, and thus a far less special world.

This is not the America I have known.

Joe Postove


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3:07 AM  

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