Tuesday, March 23, 2010

And So It Is.....

President Obama signed the Death Bill into law today, but states around the nation are gearing up to sue the Feds on many counts, and this might be the start of something big.

But I am so doubtful sometimes. We the people have allowed those who love "the people" but hate persons, to move the leftist agenda, bit by bit, step by step, a little dash here, some salting there, to the big pot where they make a very good communist stew. And now...should we be surprised that we are the ones being cooked?

The great honest socialist and anti-communist Norman Thomas who ran for president six times said in 1948, after quiting American politics: "The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

Death Care did not suddenly occur in the middle of the night, and pop up and wake us in the morning to say "you now belong to us". This was a long time coming. It DOES NOT mean that we who still hang on to our ideals and will work and cry, and do just about anything to reverse this abomination (a word I hate to use...but this one time, ok?) are giving in. Even though this is, for now...FOR NOW...the law of the land. If anything the conservatives and libertarians in this country have got to quadruple our efforts to not only take this country back to liberty and the great ideas of the founders, but to stop, at every political intersection, the agenda of tyranny and hate of the left and the sloppy moderates who will blow you for a quarter if it gets them reelected.

I know that tv is great. X-Boxes are cool. I guess "American Idol" is a gas. But our nation is slipping away from us. Faster than I could have ever expected. What we are losing is not the real estate that is the USA, but the idea. We are a country founded on ideas, not conquest, royalty, or religion. And the idea is the freedom of man. We gave up a lot of it Sunday night. And the socialist gropers are far from through.

If you read my blog, I'm talking to the ones who stumble upon me once in a while, I often write in the absurd. Let me assure you, I was not born this way. My absurdest view of things has come straight from my education in the government schools, and my exposure to too many people who are busy with TVLand.

You either fuck TVLand, or you are fucked, my good friends. All my life I have heard conservatives say that if we allow this law or that law to pass then we might move closer to a less free society, or if this passes, we may be in real trouble. Those times are over, babe. WE ARE THERE! Put your good pants on and start thinking about what it means to be an American. We are in real trouble, right now.

Would you rather be an American or be free? I choose freedom. That is American

More to come...

Joe Postove


Blogger phil said...

Well, instead of his claim he can stop the oceans from rising, now we can honestly say cancer rates will rise.

Death Bill is right, Joe.

And, who will want to become a doctor, Joe?
That guy from McDonalds who asked him for a better job?

5:44 PM  
Blogger Mr. Liberty said...

My cousin, who now at 53 is a very successful radiologist, did not make one dime until he was 32. His parents and grandparents put him through school.

He was in under-grad, residency, internship, and worked his little or big ass off (never seen it)for 15 years before he got the big house, big cars, country club (for us jews!) and all the other great perks, which of course he deserves.

Are the best of us going to do that to work for ignorami' who would probably say that a doctor's pay grade should be a little over that of a prison guard's.

Atlas is shrugging, Phil.


4:33 AM  

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