Sunday, January 15, 2006


After the fall they took Sam to the long term convalescent center to determine if and when he can get the strength to go back home and live on his own.

I went to see Sam today. I brought him the Veggi sub from Subway, which he loves. I had the tuna. We talked and ate. I listened more, and there were more silences than usual when we are together. Sam thinks he'll die in about a year. I said he could make it to one hundred, if he continues to eat well and take care of himself. There is nothing one can do about accidents except be careful. He brings on the calm in me.

Sam wants to go back home, but is semi-resigned to not, if he can't. At ninety, his overall attitude is better than mine at fortynine. You know it, if you read my blog. Shan't go there now.

Sam is not happy. But more importantly, he is not sad. One of the reasons I like him so much is that he talks to me directly, without the interference of bullshit. And we both have excellent bullshit detectors. He knows what he knows, and is prepared to go on with what life presents, or go ahead and go to sleep and die. Sam is very amenable.

He has lived well.



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