Saturday, September 08, 2007


Dearest Friends,

I went out to eat with my cousins last night and had pizza. I also has a clam dish (the sauce was like a hot slurpy...I mean that in a good way). I also had a salad and several diet Cokes.

Right now I am alone, so I don't know what to eat. I thought about going to the store for Corn Pops (oh...but getting fully dressed, going down to the van, starting it with the key, steering the wheel several times until the van gets to the store, looking for a parking place (plain old pull in parking, not parallel parking of which I am master of my domain) parking, getting out of the van, stepping onto the ground, walking the steps to the door (which does open automatically, but sometimes I have to wait a sec) getting into the store, asking one of the former convicts who work there where the Corn Pops are, walking to the Corn Pops aisle, reaching to where they are and putting the box into my hands, then going to the checkout aisle, naked, to pay for the crap, then having the convict ask me paper or plastic (and I can never decide!...I mean I want to save the trees, but can't they just put it into something and not ask me? I tire so easily these days!) and then reaching into my pocket to find some money to pay for what it was I am buying (I forgot what it was) and then having to hold my hand out for the change and smile at the checkout boob is just too much.

And then having to do all the other stuff in reverse to get back home (or else go sleep on the meats in the back) is just too much for me.

I guess I'll starve. Or I could slurp up what's in the fridge.

Joe Postove


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