Friday, January 29, 2010

Look Towards Tomorrow

The lady on the radio says it's going to snow tomorrow, so I'm going to shut the internet down tonight, and we'll see how bad it is in the morning. I've already decided to put my pay toilets on a two hour delay, except for essential personnel. My whore houses, gas stations, circumcision parlors and gravy boat stores will be closed.

I think in these times of mass desperation we should all look inward, towards the head and think of good things and bad, sick things and well, tall girls and short, and bald men with false teeth. In this way, and only in this way, can we see the world as it is....a world of phonies, jug heads, poop squatters, and change makers. We need to, as a people, to look to the south, about 10 miles. If we can see that far, we should go over there and see if we can see the 10 miles back.

What a great experience that would be!

Stay warm, and in the house tonight. And if nature calls, and you're not one of the lucky ones to own an outhouse, and because my pay stalls will be closed if we get a real heavy blanketing, please make good use of your Yoo-Hoo bottles, Big Gulp cups and shit slues out by the river.

We can be happy. Yes we can!

Lil' Joey


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