Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Last night, as I lay my little head on my best pillow, I was thinking of the possible Coup d'etat in Massachusetts. But I felt, that even with all of the polls (including the big and long ones) indicating a Republican victory, I fell into sleep thinking that this was just too much to ask for. A Republican sweeping into the seat of American royalty, and taking Teddy Kennedy's position after 47 years gave me such a wonderful feeling, full of political goosebumps, exciting me so much that I could barely get to sleep, couldn't be. It just couldn't. But it happened. IT HAPPENED!

The last big Republican tap dancer was Sammy Davis Junior. And while I wouldn't partake in such an activity, it would be so bad, I dreamed of Sammy tap dancing all over the private Kennedy crypt, and doing an entire show on poor Teddy's grave. And Sammy was great! He was energized! The American Royal Family had finally been sent packing (and they had lots of packing to do) as the people of Massachusetts, the only state to vote communist in 1972 (McGovern), THE Bluest of blue states, said to the Democrats what the rest of the nation is itching to say: ENOUGH!

It's not yet a sure thing, but after a year of terror by our Dear Leader and his gang pushing foremost, a takeover of the health care industry, plus so much spending to hoist us out of the depression (anyone been hoisted yet?) the people, the lovers of what liberty we have left got us #41, the votes we need to threaten or actually filibuster this death bill of President Obama's. We all thought we were dead already. That with their bullying tactics, and advantage in numbers, congress would pass, and Our Dear One would sign away, the health, wealth, and freedom that remains here, at home, in the USA. They just said no. No No No No No MORE!

I guess you can tell I'm stoked.

Imagine that! If one of the heftiest governments in America, the people of Massachusetts, who do like their socialism (as long as the cost is spread around nicely) can toss out a dynasty, and elect a real Republican, then the world is ours. We being the tea party, libertarians, and all those who realized that Mr. Obama was reaching for the stars and trying to bring back to life FDR, LBJ, and maybe a tincture of Marx, Engels, and Lenin.

There is joy and jubilation tonight. Not only in Massachusetts, but all along the land where individuals, who do NOT love the state and all it would like to do to them, are huddling together to toast the people of the state we all used to call Taxachusetts.

And may God bless the people of Massachusetts. Each and every one (who voted the right way, of course...we can't be too magnanimous). Kisses for the whole state, though.

And retake America! Gee..I hope we can.

Joe Postove


Blogger phil said...

To paraphrase my old pal JFK:

... and, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words
Ich bin ein Massachussettser.

With reverb of course.

4:30 PM  

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