Saturday, February 06, 2010

Snow Days, Snow Days

I walked outside about noon today with the prospect of another good snowin'. The weatherman says that those just to the north of us will get a couple of feet (I think it's already there) and the middle Atlantic states will get to stay home for a few days. I got a couple of feet down here in Norfolk too. But I left them in my shoes for warming.

Since Washington D.C. is up there, what a fine thing it is that our minders might have to stay home, frustrated with a C-Span camera looking around the congressional chambers with no action going on (ooo... is that Barney Frank and the San Francisco delegation spooning up in the rafters, like a couple of Phantoms of the Congress?). I hope they don't get stuck! How embarrassing! What will the people think? Where will they turn now, that the government can't get to work and blot out some more of the constitution? No one in Congress? Call for Mr. Jesus H!

Good old Maude and Bill looking at the tv in a coal town tavern in snowbound West Virginia might even get up off of their bar stools (which have their butt cheeks engraved) and go home and do IT (fucking). And they haven't done that since the coal mine closed in 1961.

Ever since they retired they have been drinking beer, eating potato chips (out of the bag!), smoking Luckies by the carton (they just light up the whole box), and watch the nation's business being conducted by Robert Byrd and a few hundred other out of work hustlers. Now, with all of this snow, the only one who will make it to work IS Byrd, and he's got a bill for "Snow Commemoration Day" and a plaque to be dedicated in some holler back home. Cost? A couple hundred million. Lunch in Washington. And why not? Byrd is keeping the whole thing warm, so that when the other babysitters come back they can get right to work.

Oh snow
Why everyday cannot we know
We get to stay home
Where we're safe from the law

Congress is home this weekend too
Away from their loved ones
Me and you

But laws
And bills
Can't be passed without a quorum
And our minders are home staying warm

And what money is left
Cannot be taken by taxes
Oh, sorry, I meant by theft

So snow
Stay awhile
And rest
Upon the fat men and women
Who break our legs
And pick our pockets
For today, poor things, they have nowhere to go

The republic is safe at least for a day
So snow, snow, and snow and snow!

Little Joey Postove


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