Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Pat Robertson...The C is for COMEDY!

The head of the "Christian" Broadcasting Network, Pat Robertson says we ought to send some covert agents out to Venezuela and assassinate the president there. So much for Pat's understanding of the meaning of "covert". Although that would be a neat little fake through the middle; to have our national "Director Of Religion" say it on tv and then have our guys really go ahead and do the job.

The Reverend Robertson could be a patsy here. It may be that his is the same voice that Bobby Fischer hears in his fillings, and causes dogs to pee in their pants when Japanese cartoons are on. Admit this much; the man is mezmerizing. Not in a "Mezmer" kind of way, so much as a combination of Edgar Cayce and Top Cat. You put those two together in one man, and I would get a cool diabetic high.

But I'm off message a bit. What I really want to know is when Pat is going to tell our goons that he's ready to meet Jesus.

Tune in then for a "very special edition" of the 700 Club.



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