Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Finger Still Sore...Pus Remains..But Must Blog...Must Blog...

The damn middle finger on my right hand is still sore, and for those of you with a bit of an appetite, there is a little pus, but most of that is gone. This is my most important finger, of course, reserved for politicians, ladies who think me invisible, 7/11 clerks, and any others who deserve a nice "fuck you" from me.

I have been doing my paper route for over a year now, and I just know that it is the dirt and paper cuts embedded around the cuticle that made this monster rise up in a flurry of offensive pus, to eventually be beaten back with Neo-Sporin and hot finger baths.

So I haven't really been bloging much at all since this all started. The World Wide Web will have to forgive me, please, or here comes Mr. Finger once I'm over my illin'. I hope you have missed me as much as I have missed you.

So I'm here, you wonderful 6 or 7 people on the web who love me. And I promise to be back to regular darts as my most precious of digits recovers.




Blogger Alison Rose said...

I'm glad you're on the mend! Must...keep...blogging....

8:18 AM  

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