Thursday, September 13, 2007

The Doors!

The best doors are the automatic kind. In these days of doors of confusion, it is nice to have the door do most of the work.

Certainly, I am aware the door will not get you from room to room. Those of us who can walk will need to do that ourselves, and our handicapped will have to heave-ho through the openings.

I'm writing about doors today, because as the days and the news and the world become so confusing to a straightforward mind like mine, it is nice to have helpful doors.

The old time regular ones, the ones that go in, or go out, or slip sideways, or even are pulled up or down, are a drudge in the 21st century, when at the minimum I want my doors to open themselves, What they do after I scoot into or out of whatever space I was in, is the doorkeepers business and I don't care.

So on this, the first day of the Jewish New Year (La Shana Tova to my brethren) please remember our auto devices, particularly our doors, which enable us, so well, to go from room to room.



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