Monday, February 08, 2010

Super Bowl 44 One For The History Books!

That is, the history books where we forget what happened by tomorrow. Ask some of the drunks, and public sexers in the Big Easy on Mardi Gras who won the big game on Sunday, and the best answer you'll get is that they'll vomit on you. Projectile vomiting, which comes from people who you cannot possible know what they have had in their mouths.

Gee whiz, I saw a video of Mardi Gras from about 10 years ago, and these people were, it seemed, doing a gay porn film, with incest and bestiality as the short subjects and cartoons. So when they vomit on you, wipe it off. You do not know where that persons mouth has been.

Now...who won the big game on Sunday? The New Orleans Saints, of course. I'm being silly, because New Orleans (although I've never been there) is a freaky town, full of hermaphrodites, extra gay folks, experts at projectile vomiting, football fans who will forget by tomorrow who won Sunday's big game, midgets, ladies with balls, cross dressers, cross dressers who are experts at projectile vomiting, Catholics, policemen who like to feel your peepee, and others who have by now, or soon will, forgotten who won yesterdays big game.

Who cares. New Orleans is party town, USA. Full of great music, gumbo (don't eat it though. The cook is a PV) great parades, men who look good in panties, and a wild, wild Tuesday, which ends at Midnight in church, where all gather to pray God to forgive their sins (except projectile vomiting, God don't play that) and steady themselves for Ash Wednesday.

And then comes Lent. For 44 days, until Easter, the people will have to give up something near and dear to them to show their reverence and piety. They want to be right with God.

Forget about the Projectile Vomiting, though. God's smashes you upside the head for that. He hates it. He hates that worse than the things you put IN your mouth in the first place.

Who won the big game on Sunday?

Joe Postove


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