Monday, August 29, 2005


My brother and his wife just left after spending two days here in Norfolk, continuing on to a wedding in New York. They live in California, and rarely make a trip here, as there is nothing to do, and now with everyone dead (except his old boss) no one to see.

I count myself in the "no one to see" category. I don't know how brothers are supposed to behave when they grow up. Or even if there is a "supposed to" set of rules. Besides, we had different fathers. This did not separate us, however. We're separate because of everything, and nothing. And yet because we are brothers we continue to see each other.

This could be stupid and futile, or hopeful and futile. It could be stupid and hopeful. Both our fathers are dead. Our mother is dead. And yet despite being eleven years apart, our familial commonality, the set of peculiar circumstances that both brought us together and apart allows for an unbroken connection, for life, no matter how frayed.

And so I see my brother and his wife. And enjoy their company. And hope for the best.

I may be stupid, though.



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