Saturday, July 03, 2010

Drink Up!

It is quite appropriate that Independence Day is a legal holiday the day after the fourth this year, because I need a drink...bad. And a fifth of anything would do me good to bring in the New Year.

I have often been tempted just to kick politics to the curb, stop reading the papers and listening to NPR (yuck...but they picked my pocket to put on their show, so I might as well listen) and lock up the house and just walk away.

But I can't. Who would empty the pay toilets downtown, or hose down my special "clean whores" on Monday afternoons? For that matter, who would rumple my sheets or butter my bread on Fridays, before the sabbath cometh in?

But I yearn to take that walk. Or bolt up the doors and hermitize myself. I guess I'm waiting for the results of November's elections to see if we can install a new regime, not the same as the old regime. If we (Tea Party folk, libertarians, good Republicans, and the occasional stray Democrat) can clean up the mess from '08, then maybe I'll stay and get in touch with my inner being. She might need to go downtown.

WHAT...WHAT? She would go downtown for a new outfit or eat at Ruby Tuesday's. Not to use the toilets. Though she does have a free pass. It says on the pass "365 plop plops a year, plus unlimited #1's". I'm quite proud of the way we conduct our pay toilet chain. By the way, both on the fourth and the fifth we will have a free buffet and marching band at all of our locations. Come on down and go some, huh.

Tomorrow, when the beautiful people are sunning themselves into a skin cancer, remember the constitution of the United States, and the men and women who died for our freedom.

And we here will celebrate the fourth and fifth with due humility and reverence for those who have gone before us.



Blogger phil said...

Joe -
I'm reminded, for some reason, of that speech Calvin Coolidge made on January 17th, 1925, before the National (toilet?)Paper Editors Association, where he simply said,'the business of America is pay toilet business.'
He was seated even before people realized it was his turn to speak.

History marches on!

3:10 PM  
Blogger Mr. Liberty said...

Old Cal also said "I refuse to run" in 1928.

I used to think I knew what he meant.

Not sure now, Phil.

Lil' Joey

10:32 AM  

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