Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Skin Cancer

Yep. Like old Shep, I have the little c. I went to my dermatologist a few weeks ago (well he ain't MY dermatologist...but I had been to him before for something, some shiney thing or something back in the ninties, and besides, I didn't know anybody else).

When I get there, I point out to the really nice and sexy P.A. (that's Physician's Assistant for those of you not in the trade) this bump on my nose I've noticed for off and on for God knows how long. She took a biopsy (she did it for FREE! Yikes! Man. She knew I did not have insurance and said it was gratis). Our old political doctors in Washington would have you believe that M.D.'s are only out for what they can grab, and only THEY, yes, only they, can reform this evil system run by devils whose pitchforks are primed to make you need an ass fixing. Is it the political docs who are the ones making us sick?

I got the call a couple of weeks ago. It was malignant, as the P.A. and the doctor who stepped in to check on me thought it was originally. The nice lady on the phone said I needed to come in and see the doctor.

Today the doctor had a real good look at the thing and had studied my biopsy. Look, boys, I was worried more about not having the money than the cancer itself. I knew it was the least of the cancers, Basel Cell Carcinoma, and was slow growing. But as the P.A. said today, while they don't spread into the nodes and other goods in your body, it can eat up your nose and affect your face. It's a little 'un, but it needed to be done.

The whole place was crowded with docs and nursies, and P.A.'s and patients, and extra people who are kind of like doormen. Except they don't open the doors and such to get you taxis and coffee, they man the desks, and like dealers in Vegas, rake in that dough.

Here's the part you people need to know. When the doctor came in, he explained what we needed to do, how he would do it, and then, he, the doctor himself, the one with all of the degrees on the wall, talked to me about the money. He knew I could barely make the office visit payment. He realized that if I didn't have this here thing broken off the side of my nose, weird things could happen to my face. So this "greedy member of the medical establishment" sat down, and said "we'll work with you on the payments". PAYMENTS! GD, Mommie, I was ready to go to the Payday Loan Store over by Down and Out Streets, and borrow the money at Five Billion percent (which is their right...their money, their terms). But the doctor said we can get the payments on this operation (which could run as much as much as $2,000) down low enough for you to be able to make it out ok. My words, there.

I NEVER Want to hear another word about Dear Leader Obama reforming health care for everyone. Consider this my friends. Human beings, given the chance to be charitable and considerate of the problems of others will VOLUNTARILY help little 'uns like myself, if the alternative is dire. Not always, but many more times than we are given credit for by the government. Those fat asses in D.C. who would have trouble putting a band-aid on a baby, want it all for themselves. Eventually, ALL FOR THEMSELVES! Christ, help me stop them!

My doctor could have had some dick in greens tell me "that we need payment up front". You know like barbers and politicians. But when given the chance, the people of this world, not out of responsibility, but in of acts of kindness (random if you want, this Doctor never saw me before today) step up to the operating table and hold the whole world on their shoulders.

Us little people thank them.

Joe Postove


Blogger phil said...

Well, this just stopped my breathing for a second. I know there is no such thing as a 'little c,' so I'm glad you're proactive about it, Joe. Seriously glad.

And I'm glad you didn't let a barber handle it. Could you IMAGINE being in the hands of Floyd wielding a razor, a lollipop, poor lighting, and far-sightedness!?

All the best for your total recovery, Joe.


6:14 PM  
Blogger Lil' Joey said...

Thanks, Pal.

I was thinking of having my Nohel do it. But a nose is so different from a XXXX, that I thought the better of it.

My barber could probably do it. But he wants 5 dollars down!

Thanks for the good wishes, Phil. I'm doing it 2 weeks from yesterday. Maybe that could be the title of my new book...starring Kirk Douglas!

I'll be here, nose in bandages, but ready to do the Lord's work.


4:42 AM  
Blogger Lil' Joey said...

That's Mohel, as in circumcision doctor. Not Nohel as in Santa Claus.


4:43 AM  
Anonymous Tony said...

A word of encouragement Joe...

Nine years ago I was diagnosed with
a basal cell carcinoma directly on the
tip of my nose.

I had it removed under the care of
a plastic surgeon. It's a lengthy surgical
procedure where they "excise and test"
in thin layers until they get it all.

The end result was a somewhat less
than perfect nose, but everything
is fine.

You have found a compassionate and
understanding doctor, aware of your
financial situation. What a blessing.

There are "medical credit" plans out
there ( CareCredit here in California )
which pay off your doctor, then if you
make regular payments, allow you to
pay the debt interest-free.

I was a nemesis of yours at Miss Crumps,
for which I apologize. God bless you.
I'm sure all will be well.


10:27 AM  
Blogger Lil' Joey said...

Hi Tony!
Thanks so much for the reassuring words. My doctor, Ron Poleil, of the pocket doctor's knife, said about the same thing.

My bump is on the side of my nose, and he said just about what you did. They will shave off some, if they get it the first time, yeah man! But they will go in as much as three times, and then have the lab take a peek. It could last from an hour to close to four. Gee, what if they don't get it at three times. Stop it, Joey, stop it, Joey! You're making the whole internet insane with your scardicatitness.

Tony, what did they use to plug up your nose after the surgery. My doc plans to graft some skin from my "smileline" and says I'll have a line there. A scar, I guess.

I am nervous about this, as I am sure you can tell. This and the prospect of getting more of these little boys. Did you ever have a recurrence? Dr. Chang (he's a really good man, besides having a very good reputation) says the chances of me getting another one is higher now than it was before.

Oh well. And , hey, if you were one of my nemesis' at Old Miss Crump's, then I'm afraid you'll have to get in line for the hitting. Soft, please.

Thanks for writing, Tony. It is a week from today. I just want to get it over with. You settled my nerves some, boy!


1:59 PM  
Anonymous Tony said...

I believe they "borrowed" from my smile line also.

They had me sleep in a nearly upright position for
a week, which meant long hours in the recliner.

I wore a bandage on my nose for a few weeks which looked odd, but I kept reminding myself that the alternative could have been much worse.

If you don't relish going out in public during that time, stock up on stuff and hibernate. ( I did )

When the bandage comes off and the stitches are
removed, and depending on your level of vanity, you can apply skin colored cosmetics. ( I did )

Nine years later you would have to look hard to
notice that I had the surgery. Your nose tends to "reshape" itself over time, believe it or not.

Over the years I would occasionally I would have a "flare up" in the area of the surgery. I would go in for a biopsy, but no cancer has returned.

These are highly successful operations. Most "flare ups" are the natural healing and adjustment of tissue after surgery.

I predict you will sail through this and have some good stories to tell later.


10:30 PM  
Blogger Lil' Joey said...

Thanks, Tony. I'll be here. sitting in the corner chewing on old cigarettes until they take me into the waiting room.

By the way...was the bandage on your nose really big, or just enough to cover the surgery? And what about the bandage on the smileline? What was that like?

Thanks for being a pal, and for the heads up information.


4:26 AM  
Anonymous Tony said...

The bandage on my nose was "generous", shall we say. I don't recall the other bandage. It may just have been one of those little butterfly style bandages.

I didn't tamper with the bandage at all for the first week, but later found that I could trim it down. I went back to work a week after the surgery and endured the teasing of my co-workers who called me Pinnochio.

But it all is a very brief period of time, relatively speaking, and definitely the right thing to do.


6:59 AM  

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